How To Make Remote Working More Effective

Previously, companies would hire workers to be in the office every day. However, this has changed over the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, with improvements in technology and a greater understanding of how employees work best, more businesses are allowing their employees to work remotely, at least part-time.

While there are many benefits of remote work for employees and employers, there are also some downsides. So, here are ten tips to make remote working more efficient.

woman working from home

1. Treat Remote Workers the Same as Those in the Office

Managers need to be aware that employees who are allowed to work remotely are not given any special privileges. They should still have clear goals, meet deadlines, and be expected to stay organized.

The only difference is they are not physically sitting in an office with other people around them. Because of this, managers must be more diligent when it comes to communication.

2. Allocate Downtime

Managers need to make sure remote employees have enough downtime in their schedules each week. This gives them a chance to recharge and prevents burnout, which can lead employees to slack off or take longer lunch breaks without anyone knowing what they are doing.

Ensuring employees have downtime also helps them build relationships outside of work, which can boost morale.

3. Let Employees Work in Any Location They Want

Some people work best in the office while others prefer to work at home or another location that gives them privacy and quiet time.

Employees who are allowed to choose where they want to work each day typically get more done than those stuck working in one place all week. This is because they are happier and less stressed out about their environment.

4. Use Advanced Communication Tools

To help remote workers stay connected, employers should use advanced communication tools. This can be anything from Skype to Slack or a similar program. These tools allow employees to communicate in real-time and chat virtually when they are not together.

If you use Slack, make sure you comply with Slack company guidelines. The best solution for legal and compliance teams in large companies is to leverage dedicated solutions offered by third-party vendors. Moreover, Slack DLP solutions provide multiple ways to access and view all data so organizations can use the right platform for their specific needs.

5. Encourage Collaboration Among Team Members

Working remotely means every team member is out of sight, so collaboration among members becomes vital for success.

Team members need to do everything they can to coordinate projects, get meetings together at the same times and send ideas back and forth between one another, so there are no duplicates.

6. Use Live Video Chat When Possible

When possible, use video chat instead of only text-based communication. This allows team members to see each other’s facial expressions and body language as they talk, making it easier for them to understand one another and work together more smoothly.

7. Keep Regular Office Hours

If employees are allowed flexibility in their schedule, make sure they stick to a regular schedule during office hours so managers can monitor what everyone is working on throughout the week.

This way, there will be fewer surprises when deadlines arrive, or projects need to be done by a certain time.

8. Encourage Employees to Come Up With Solutions

If employees have problems that come up while working remotely, encourage them to solve problems themselves before reaching out to managers.

Some issues can be solved more quickly and efficiently if employees take the time to think them through and figure out a solution on their own.

9. Hold Weekly Meetings With Everyone

Even if all team members are working remotely, make it part of the routine to hold weekly meetings with everyone.

This will ensure no one gets behind on projects or forgets important details about what’s going on in different parts of the company, which is easy to do when people are not together.

10. Give Remote Workers Special Recognition

Team members who work remotely deserve just as much recognition as those who seldom leave their desks in an office building. Make sure every team member knows they are appreciated for their hard work when they are not in the office.

Employers should focus on understanding their workforce rather than simply imposing rules. This is especially true if they want the best results from their remote workers.

Even with the challenges of remote working, there are many benefits to be had for both employees and employers. By using these ten tips, employers can help their workers stay connected and productive no matter where they may be.

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