4 Fail-proof Productivity Tips for Those Who Hate Traditional Approaches

At this rate, it would be impossible to go through all this content related to productivity tips before landing the strategies and the technique that works best for you. The truth is, when it comes to being productive, it’s never one-size-fits-all. One method might yield results for this person, but it doesn’t seem to work for the other. For example, there was this trend of waking up at 5 AM to be more productive for a while. Although there is some truth to that, some people work better later in the day than others. Waking up that early will only cause them to feel groggy and ineffective in their jobs and tackling their to-do list. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work. And that’s okay. Individual differences are a part many productivity blogs and books fail to factor in.

If you’re confused with what to start with or find it difficult to follow through any tips you’ve read before, try these for a change. Here are some micro-habits that yield big productivity (eventually).

Have Mornings to Yourself


Instead of checking your phone as soon as you wake up, spend that time on yourself. It’s easy to get sucked into the social media updates and new emails as soon as you unlock your phone. This is a habit most people are guilty of doing. Although others might argue that they are just checking for important updates and notifications, it’s still not a good idea. Work does not start as soon as you open your eyes. Take this opportunity to wake up and spend some time with yourself, be it in the form of journaling, meditation, a morning run, or a quick shower. Mornings are for getting ready and setting the tone for the day. You’d be surprised by how this helps with productivity and improving your mood.

Leave Your Phone on the Opposite Side of the Room

You might not realize it, but putting your phone on the bedside table is a trap we know all too well but fall for every time. Putting your phone on the opposite side of the room or a far table will help regulate sleep.  The blue light suppresses melatonin production, a hormone that helps induce sleep. That’s why using your phone before bed is not recommended. In addition, it prevents you from reaching for your phone first thing in the morning.

Take Breaks

Not one, not two, but multiple breaks are essential. Hustle culture paints a picture of how productivity looks like, and most often than not, it’s a romanticized one. There’s no need to feign productivity when your brain is fried. It’s unhealthy, and it’s counterproductive. Have a five-minute break from the screen, a water break, or even a snack break. Breaks are essential in keeping the brain alert, well-rested, and performing efficiently.

Apply the Pomodoro Technique

Tasks can be repetitive and boring, so why not make a game out of it? Students often use the Pomodoro technique, a method originated by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, back when he was still a student who studied with a tomato-shaped timer to break down his study time into chunks. Essentially, it is breaking tasks down into 25-minute increments with five-minute breaks in between. These are short bursts of focused work with even shorter breaks in between. This technique is great for those who have difficulty focusing, too. Whether the task involves writing a formal business report or managing a creative design studio, you’d be surprised by how much can be accomplished after five focused 25-minute sessions.

Celebrate Every Accomplishment

Small victories are still victories, and victories should be celebrated. Giving credit to yourself for even the smallest of accomplishments reinforces a reward system that will, later on, yield to more accomplishments. Incentivizing yourself is a great way to condition yourself towards more productive behaviors. A reward system is, in fact, more effective than punishment when it comes to forming behavior, and it’s used by many parents in child-rearing. But even beyond the years of childhood, it’s still a useful tool.

It is worth mentioning that these tips don’t always work for everyone, and that’s okay. But because they are easy to execute and require little to no effort to start, they have a high tendency to stick until they become habits. These may not be drastic changes, but these actions can ripple towards increasing productivity. It’s worth a try. What’s there to lose but little to no effort in trying to accomplish these?

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